Saturday, April 19, 2008

Using Bait to Kill Cockroaches

The speed in which cockroaches reproduce is impressive. So you’d better take impressive action as well.

There are a couple of ways for you to start killing cockroaches before the problem explodes into a real crisis. Baits can be pretty effective. They use targeted extermination techniques that will allow efficient destruction.

Baits come in gel form, with syringe applicators, or in plastic bottles. Be careful though. Never forget that baits are poison. Read the manufacturer’s label. Twice if you have to.

If you're going to use baits outside, you need to put them in areas that have lots of moisture. Try to place them near hoses and downspouts and exterior faucets. Roaches love moisture. On the inside put your baits in corners, under the sinks, in dark damp places. The bathroom and the kitchen are ideal places to use the baits. The baits may be covered in plastic, so make sure that you get the right size station for the right size roach. Get a small bait station for a German cockroach and a larger one for the bigger insects.

Whatever you do, don’t forget you are facing a strong enemy. Cockroaches are the ultimate survivors. They’ve been around for ever and they are not scared easily. They survived ice ages and expert believe they will even survive a nuclear war. Some of these creeps created immunity to quite a number of poisons. So if a certain type bait does not seem to kill ‘your’ roaches, you must try another brand. Don’t give up. Neither will they.

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